

Management is Messy

I am convinced that one of the reasons why so many healthcare professionals struggle when transitioning to management roles is the sheer...

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Leading by Example

It is my conviction that managers really do make all the difference in the world. Great managers get great results and build great teams....

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Making “People” Your Priority

I don’t always do it perfectly, or even very well. Every day I want to get better. But I am 100% convinced that being a successful...

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How I Stay Motivated: 5 Things

Motivation, like any resource, needs replenishment. If you manage a pharmacy you likely have some sort of inventory replenishment system....

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Healthcare Needs Managers!

If you were to ask me what I honestly believe the most desperately needed role in healthcare today is, I think most people would be...

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Balancing Passion and Patience in Leadership

I have noticed a tendency in some otherwise great healthcare leaders throughout my career to fall short of the influence they might have...

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A Checklist of Disrespectful Behaviors

Respect /ri-spek/. “To view or consider with some degree of reverence; to esteem as possessed of real worth.” That’s how...

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The Hard Part of Focus

Focus is the secret to improvement in any area of your life and career. What you focus on, you will get better at. Whether it be art, or...

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CostPlus Pharmacy – Not Philanthropy

The internet has been all astir for months about the entrance of billionaire Mark Cuban into the pharmacy market with his CostPlus pharmacy...

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Pfizer Vaccine & FDA Approval

I’ve been reading various stories and posts that seem to want to cast a shadow of doubt on the recent FDA approval of Comirnaty, the...

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