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Pharmacy Workflow Magic with Don Grove Part IV

Today is our final post on Don Grove’s innovations in pharmacy workflow.  If you have missed the previous posts you can find them here:  Part I, Part II and Part III.

Once again, let’s welcome Don as he answers a few more questions for us.

7)  I know you are eager to help pharmacies improve their workflow and you have developed a seminar to teach some of the things you have learned and developed.  What can you tell us about the Pharmacy Work Flow Seminar?

We named it “Achieving Excellence Through Magic.” Magic implies there are tricks to the trade that not everyone knows and we teach them to the attendees. It is 2 days and each presenter is limited to 30 minutes, including questions.   This allows us to have over 18 presentations in 2 days.

We have some of the most reputable vendors in the industry servicing over 20,000 pharmacies. Many are the CEO’s or presidents of these preferred vendor and their suggestions will reimburse our $1500 fee. One vendor even gave away $400 of human resource testing which saved me over $60,000 avoiding hiring wrong employees.

Our work flow and several great ideas will double or triple your net profit.  Imagine returning home 10 times smarter with ideas and technology already being used and an opportunity to see “coming attractions.” 

This is a “concept seminar” where our presenters will introduce concepts with actual handouts on a thumb drive you can customize for your demographic, budget and culture.  This is called our magic kit. You will no longer look at your expenses in your Profit and Loss statement as fixed expenses.  They are variable and you will be taught how to vary them. 

There is ALWAYS a way to lower fixed expenses and we will help you discover the process.  We will talk about Blue Ocean Strategies which is the only way we look at our new businesses within our non-traditional business.  Our way may not be best or easiest but it will be so different you will be forced to examine change. 

By improving all things in your culture and business you can build sales, decrease expenses and heighten your employee satisfaction levels.  We compare ourselves all year to the Best of Class in the NCPA Digest we always beat them on our way to excellence.  

It will be magic when you watch our employees interact with our inventory carousels, urgency colored bagging system, bagging carousel, technician work stations, pharmacy work stations, educational kiosks and the redesign of our pharmacy into a hybrid mail order/nontraditional work flow. 

As margins are decreased by 3rd parties we must work faster, smarter, with increased accuracy and not allow our eagle employees to even consider leaving us for greener pastures as they are expected to accomplish more each day.  If you think this is impossible then you have not been practicing believing the impossible as Jason recommends.  

We will not waste your time as we realize your time is extremely valuable.  Every hour I spend with a visiting pharmacist explaining our magic I have to tell myself I am not wasting my time but investing it.  A seminar is the most productive and has the highest ROI for both myself and a visitor’s time. 

At the traditional trade show there are no hands on explanation of every detail like you will experience at J&D Pharmacy.  We are selling a 2 day video of the latest seminar on the Internet for $100 for those that can’t fly and drive to Warsaw and be there in person.    


8)  Where can my readers get more information about your seminar?

Go to www.jdpharmacy.com and fill out the form at the Achieving Excellence Through Magic button or email me, Don Grove, at don@jdpharmacy.com and leave a request to put them on a mailing list for future seminars.

We will respond with a newspaper article of our first seminar, access to 2 sample tapes of two of the 20 presenters. Hear Mike Coughlin, founder and CEO of Script Pro and Jennifer Jelinek, Manager of Pharmacy Operations. Read Ben DiRusso, the manager pharmacist of the Harvard University Health Services in Cambridge comments. Go to www.trumanvillage.com and see what our facility looks like and why some say we have done to pharmacy what Bass Pro did to sporting goods. 


9)  Finally, when you aren’t working in or around your pharmacy, what other kinds of things do you enjoy doing?                                                                                                                                               

My wife and I love to travel. I read a lot and write for publications and myself. I have a book out that tells of my experiences called “You Said What God, a Lifestyle of Listening” which is available on the Internet or the website, www.YouSaidWhatGod.com

I now want to help other pharmacists make more money so they can stay in business and help more of their local populace live longer with higher quality lives.

Don, I want to thank you.  This has been a fascinating interview.  I suspect many pharmacy owners are curious about new ways to improve their workflow so they can grow their businesses while minimizing expenses. 

Last modified: April 17, 2023
