Honest Apothecary Advertising Program

Helping You Reach Millions!

Our blog interview was a great start! However, due to the nature of blogs, the biggest interest tends to happen within the first few days of posting. However, since our interview is truly an example of “Evergreen” content (that is, it is just as relevant months or years later) we can use it to boost traffic to your business and continue to generate additional clients for you.


The goal of your marketing plan is simple: Reach your target audience with your solution and motivate them to respond. However, reaching your target audience can often be challenging, time-consuming and expensive. Social Media offers the most cost-effective means to get your message out…but ONLY if you have people reading your message. Far too often our Social Media strategy looks like a billboard in the dessert. Until now. With your Honest Apothecary Interview, combined with my > 12,000 Twitter followers, you have an opportunity to reach millions. When one of my articles is “Re-Tweeted” by a follower with thousands of followers themselves, the exponential nature of online advertising is harnessed for you! This happens all the time.

Our Offer

For a limited time I am offering TWO packages to help promote your business through my blog and Twitter account: The Tablet, and The Injection!

THE TABLET: This package offers your business 3 tweets per week of our informative blog interview! For just $30/month our blog interview will be broadcast to my 12,000+  (and growing!) healthcare-focused twitter followers. These tweets will be sent at strategic times to capture a variety of followers, driving followers to our interview and then to your website for more information. Buy 6 months and get 1 month FREE!

THE INJECTION: Our injection package offers an additional 2 tweets per week DIRECTLY to your business or website, thus covering ALL 5 WEEKDAYS of highest Twitter activity. This package is only $50/month. Buy 6 months and get 1 month FREE! Additionally, those who purchase a total of 6 months of the injection package will receive 1 additional FREE blog interview to help highlight new products, services and activities that are going on in your business. 5 Tweets per week has the potential to reach nearly 250,000 people per month. There is simply no better value for your advertising dollar than that.

Are you ready to see your business gain new customers and reach exceptional levels of growth and profits?

Choose Your Option Below and Let’s Begin!

Advertising Options

Last modified: September 29, 2013

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