
Pharmacist resized to 150 x 150The Honest Apothecary is a drug news and information blog maintained by yours truly, Jason Poquette R.Ph.

I call this site the “Honest” apothecary. Not that those other pharmacists are dishonest! We are still, due to no special efforts on my part, one of the more trusted professions in society. I am personally grateful to the many excellent pharmacy blogs being written today. But I chose the word honest because of Noah Webster’s beautiful definition of honesty in his dictionary published in 1828: “In principle, an upright disposition; moral rectitude of heart; a disposition to conform to justice and correct moral principles in all social transactions.” I therefore put that word “honest” not so much before YOUR eyes, as MINE, as a constant reminder of what I strive to be.

And I use the word “Apothecary” also. Not that I have any problem with the title “pharmacist”. Pharmacist is fine. But the word apothecary comes from the Latin “apotheca” meaning, literally, a “storehouse”. You see, we spend many years reading, studying and practicing this profession while in school. Then we graduate and discover that we only know about 1% of all the available drug knowledge there is to accumulate. So…we keep reading, studying and learning. All the while we are “storing” up (apotheca) information, some of it useful…some obscure. But lo and behold we discover to our dismay that there is hardly time in the typical workday to breathe, let alone actually communicate what we have learned. So…a blog seems like the logical place to turn, and “apothecary” seems to fit the purpose.

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Born in Illinois, raised in California and now comfortably settled in New England. I am a graduate of the University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy and have been involved in the field of pharmacy well over 20 years. My primary focus has been retail pharmacy, through which I have also had experience as a Clinical Instructor for a pharmacy program, pharmacy compounding and pharmacy management. I have spoken on medication related topics at Senior Centers, Schools and Awards Banquets. I am an avid online writer and have, through this format, had the privilege of interacting with and answering thousands of questions from students, patients and health care professionals. I am a Christian, a husband and father of 4. When I’m not working or writing you might find my nose buried in a book, or teaching at our church, playing baseball or basketball with the kids, kayaking, running, cooking or just hanging out with my wife. I am honored that you have come here to read. I would love to hear your comments. And I welcome your questions.


You can find some of my other writing online at the following places:

Hubpages Health & Prescription Medication Articles – currently over 1,000,000 views

Twitter – Delivering Rapid and relevant Pharma News

Facebook – Visit The Honest Apothecary on Facebook (and “like” it if you like!)

Last modified: June 13, 2014

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