What Are Your RPMs?

What Are Your RPMs?

The 5 members of the hospital management team sat somewhat nervously around the conference room table. They had done their...
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Your Next Leadership Step – Stay Put!

Your Next Leadership Step – Stay Put!

Have you ever asked yourself this question: "What is the next step in my leadership journey?" It is a good...
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Proud as a Peacock – Three Tips to Prevent Boasting Online

Proud as a Peacock – Three Tips to Prevent Boasting Online

We who traverse the various social media watering holes walk a fine line. It is that delicate and fine line...
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Toxic Leadership in Healthcare

Toxic Leadership in Healthcare

Jeremy, an HR business partner to the nursing staff of a medium sized community hospital, arrived at his desk at...
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Calling All Pharmacists – Check out RxEconsult

Redesigned with a sleek new look and tons of information – RxEconsult provides access to connect with hundreds of...

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Prescription Drugs

Patient Question: Adderall, Wellbutrin & Viibryd safe?

Today’s “Patient Question” of the week comes from Dawn:   “I was just prescribed Viibryd today from my Dr so...

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Prescription Drugs

Bill would make Hydrocodone products Schedule II

A bill recently passed by the U.S. Senate and on its way to the House has an amendment tucked deep down inside that would make all...

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Prescription Drugs

New Vicodin Strengths…Coming Soon!

In compliance with FDA recommendations to limit the amount of acetaminophen in prescription drugs to no more than 325mg per dose, the...

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