Motivation, Leadership & Success

Motivation, Leadership & SuccessPharmacy Careers

10 Tips for New Pharmacy Managers

I‘m not a perfect pharmacist.  I’m not a perfect pharmacy manager either.  I still have a lot to learn.  But I’ve...

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Motivation, Leadership & SuccessPharmacy Careers

7 Habits of Highly Effective Pharmacy Techs

In 1989 Steven Covey published his now famous “7 Habits of Highly Effective People.”  It quickly became a best seller and...

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Motivation, Leadership & Success

The Map & the Motor – Getting Things Done

A Simple Plan to Get Things Done this Year I have heard plenty of arguments against the practice of making resolutions.  For the most part...

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Motivation, Leadership & Success

Blogger Burnout – Symptoms, Causes and Cure

For a long time I have wanted to write an analysis of a disease that has been underdiagnosed in the cyber world: I call it Blogger...

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Motivation, Leadership & Success

Lincoln Must Be Dead By Christmas – How To Get Things Done

It was back-to-school night at my daughter’s high school.  Parents gathered to hear about the upcoming curriculum our children were...

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Motivation, Leadership & Success

5 Benefits of Hard Work

We’re living in strange days.  Evil is called good; and good is called evil. For many in the U.S. today, it would appear that work, hard...

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Motivation, Leadership & Success

12 Traits of the ENTREPRENEUR

Be it Ben Franklin or Steve Jobs, everyone is intrigued by the entrepreneur.  Not all entrepreneurs are wildly successful.  Most, in...

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