Pharmacy Operations

Pharmacy CareersPharmacy Operations

Should You Take That Job as PHARMACY MANAGER?

dropcapI/dropcapt is a question that many retail staff pharmacists will face at some point in their career.  An opening for the position...

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Pharmacy Operations

Retail Pharmacy Prescription MARGINS 101

dropcapI/dropcapf you don’t understand the significance of margins on the success of a retail or outpatient or specialty pharmacy...

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InterviewsPharmacy Operations

Become Your Own MTM Pharmacist – With MTMCare Special Offer!

dropcapN/dropcapothing gives me more pleasure than to introduce my fellow pharmacists to some of the most cutting edge developments in our...

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Pharmacy Operations

What in the World are Pharmacy NCPDP Codes?

dropcapA/dropcaplright retail pharmacy newbies, have a seat.  And anyone else who has wandered into Community Pharmacy 101 – welcome...

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Pharmacy Operations

Medicare B vs. D for Pharmacy Beginners

Maybe the most challenging part of retail pharmacy for new pharmacists or technicians is understanding billing issues related to insurance...

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Pharmacy Operations

Retail Pharmacy INVENTORY 101

Those new to retail pharmacy, whether pharmacists or technicians, may have heard about the infamous “inventory” day and be...

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InterviewsPharmacy Operations

Introducing RxCentral – a Tool for Physicians, Pharmacists and More!

This post is a great privilege for me to share.  I have known Dr. Paul Greenberg for almost 10 years now.  I worked for him at Fingertip...

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Pharmacy Operations

Liquid Dosing Labels – Metric Please!

I‘m happy to see that the American Academy of Pediatrics has been reading The Honest Apothecary.  Good for them.  In a journal...

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Pharmacy Operations

What to do if your Pharmacy is Being Robbed

No pharmacy I have ever worked in has been robbed during my time of service.  For that I’m grateful.  Maybe some will think that...

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Pharmacy CareersPharmacy Operations

Hiring Retail Pharmacists – The Employer’s 3 Dilemmas

A lot of time has been spent discussing the challenge of the current job market for PHARMACISTS.  The oversupply of new student graduates...

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