

Financing Your Pharmacy Purchase or Remodel – An Interview with Ed Webman R.Ph.

Rudyard Kipling, the famous English author of the Jungle Book, once remarked with poetic elegance “When a crew and a captain...

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Pharmacy Ownership: 5 Challenges for the New Store Owner

This past week I had the privilege of visiting my good friend, Jitendra Patel R.Ph., at his brand new pharmacy he opened in Methuen, MA. ...

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Pharmageddon, & an Interview with Dr. David Healy

There are many roads one can travel on within the world of medicine.  Some take their training down the pathway of clinical practice and...

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Pharmacists: Take Control of Your Career – An Interview with Neil Patrick

Do you remember that class back in pharmacy school where we learned those skills necessary to manage our CAREER as pharmacists? ...

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An interview with Steve Leuck from AudibleRx!

What if your prescription could talk to you?  Imagine a day so far advanced, technology so far developed, that you simply gave your...

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Pharmacy Ownership – an Interview with Pharmacist Tony De Nicola

Ralph Waldo Emerson, that Boston-born poet of the 19th century, once said “Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself.  Go...

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RxEconsult – An interview with Omudhome Ogbru, PharmD

I don’t recall exactly when I first stumbled across RxEconsult online.  Maybe while searching for pharmaceutical job postings, or...

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Calling All Pharmacists – Check out RxEconsult

Redesigned with a sleek new look and tons of information – RxEconsult provides access to connect with hundreds of...

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